Are you a candidate for Data Sanity?
- Frustrated by glacial improvement progress.
- Tired of being promised easy answers through yet another training program (usually in quality tools).
- Ready to hardwire an improvement mindset into your everyday organizational fabric.
- Looking for realistic, practical answers that may not initially seem easy, but will address deep causes, get your desired results and hold these gains.
Listen to Davis’s free 10-minute podcast on DATA SANITY & Emotional Intelligence.
Join me in eradicating Data INsanity:
The bar graph, trend line, traffic light report, two-point comparisons and smiley face epidemics – and wasted meeting time – we all encounter.
Learn a new, more productive common organizational language: Data Sanity
What is Data Sanity?
- A language based in process and understanding variation to motivate more productive daily conversations… for everyone from executives to front-line staff
- A language to create dialogue between executives and quality professionals — who share identical concerns…
- The language underlying ALL current quality improvement initiatives (Six Sigma, Lean, Lean Six Sigma)
- THE catalyst for transforming your organization to excellence!