8803-DataSanity-600x900CLICK HERE to request a free copy of the preface and chapter summary of my book…

DATA SANITY: A Quantum Leap to Unprecedented Results

What they’re saying about Davis…

"Outstanding presentation. A must review for everyone in leadership."

"Davis is a very passionate speaker. Good follow-through with promised e-mailing of other resources."

"Always a pleasure to hear Davis!"

"Really presented the material in a way that made it usable."

"His high energy was very good and motivated me to go home and fix things."

A Quality Professional’s Holiday Wish List, Second Edition

Take your pick, and happy wishes in the year to come!

Almost everyone celebrates something during the winter solstice—Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc.—which inevitably includes gift exchanging. Following are some suggestions that run the gamut from technical to personal growth to just plain entertainment.  Read more…

Is the Pareto Principle Coming Home to Roost?

20 percent of quality pros could be doing 80 percent of the work. The rest? Well…

The economy has become a convenient excuse on which to pin the blame for everything—especially job losses. Well, in the case of quality positions, yes… and no.

A sobering thought: Will the Pareto principle (the 80/20 rule) inevitably apply to the quality profession? I think so. It’s time to “connect the dots” for executives regarding the integration of quality improvement into organizational culture. How much longer can we as a quality profession wait?  Read more…

The Fuel of Quality

What’s it going to take?

Remember my previous article on the quality pyramid where the very top element emphasizes the concept of “process?” One of the most powerful points to get across in any quality improvement effort is that your current processes are perfectly designed to get the results they are already getting. Most of us are familiar with the fact that 85 percent of the problems in any organization are due to bad processes (and Deming, toward the end of his life, thought it was closer to 97%).  Read more…

Eight Reasons Major Change Initiatives Fail

Insights from John P. Kotter’s book “Leading Change”

Why do major change initiatives fail? It seems obvious: major change will not happen easily for a long list of reasons. However, if you feel your organization is overmanaged and underled with tendencies toward an inwardly focused culture, paralyzing bureaucracy, parochial politics, a low level of trust, lack of teamwork, arrogant attitudes, a lack of leadership in middle management, and the general human fear of the unknown, then John Kotter’s book Leading Change (Harvard Business School Press, 1996) might be for you.  Read more…

Deming is Dead… Long Live Deming

The man is dead, but his teaching continues… often, unfortunately, inaccurately.

W. Edwards Deming has been dead for almost 16 years. In my opinion, he and Joseph Juran were the true quality giants of the 20th century. No one seems to talk about Deming much any more except to relate stories from the past and pine for the “good ol’ Deming 4-day seminar days.” (I don’t. Nor do I think he would want us to.) He also seems to have a fundamentalist cult following who revel in smug running commentary, quoting chapter and verse a la Deming on any current quality effort.  Read more…

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