8803-DataSanity-600x900CLICK HERE to request a free copy of the preface and chapter summary of my book…

DATA SANITY: A Quantum Leap to Unprecedented Results

What they’re saying about Davis…

"Thank you so much for two 'life-changing' presentations at the IHI meeting in Orlando. What you had to say was more helpful than ten years worth of management meetings!"

Director of Outpatient Clincs
Chinle Service Unit (IHS)
Chinle, Arizona

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Join me in eradicating Data INsanity:

The bar graph, trend line, traffic light report, two-point comparisons and smiley face epidemics – and wasted meeting time – we all encounter.

Learn a new, more productive common organizational language: Data Sanity

What is Data Sanity?

  • A language based in process and understanding variation to motivate more productive daily conversations… for everyone from executives to front-line staff
  • A language to create dialogue between executives and quality professionals — who share identical concerns…
  • The language underlying ALL current quality improvement initiatives (Six Sigma, Lean, Lean Six Sigma)
  • THE catalyst for transforming your organization to excellence!
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