8803-DataSanity-600x900CLICK HERE to request a free copy of the preface and chapter summary of my book…

DATA SANITY: A Quantum Leap to Unprecedented Results

What they’re saying about Davis…

"I attended your session regarding Data Sanity at the Patient Safety Academy at USM. First let me say that it was wonderful and exactly what I had been trying to convince my boss/Board about for months! Thank you for providing me with additional ammunition!"

"Your lecture inspired me to change the process in which I deliver quality data. Your discussion of common cause and identifying real strategies through accurate depiction of data really got me thinking about the opportunities I have here."

"I very much enjoyed your talk on Data "Sanity", which I found to be insightful and thought provoking.  You did an amazing job at taking a topic that is intimidating to many people in healthcare and transforming it into something approachable and enjoyable by the entire audience."

Leadership Retreats

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A Results-Oriented Leadership Retreat:  What is it REALLY going to take?

This retreat is designed to attain specific, desired organizational results. I will take the concepts from my successful IHI Forum all-day seminar “From Bolt-on to Built-in: Quality as Cultural DNA” and apply them directly to the executive and middle management teams’ organizational culture and its daily management.

Together we will honestly assess the current culture to develop the needed alternative cultural beliefs. We will then explore how to create them through a day-to-day culture of coaching.

Healthy organizations must expect their people, especially those in management roles, to:

  • Become increasingly aware of their underlying current organizational belief system and how it affects attaining desired results—what is tolerated creates culture.
  • Take responsibility for discovering, then insulating, their own “hot buttons” in reaction to resistance.
  • Motivate themselves and coworkers to “own” current circumstances and talk about them truthfully including the demotivation climate of the organization
  • Develop zero tolerance for “blame” and “victim” (“It’s not my fault!”) mentalities.

Retreat participants will discover for themselves the power of a results-based communication style that is honest, constructive, non-defensive, non-dumping, non-hysterical, and motivating towards individual responsibility and action.

The team will develop a leadership “belief system” to drive desired results and be the basis for post-retreat coaching.  Any focus on personal growth and subsequent cultural coaching is strictly through a context of attaining desired organizational results.

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